Corona Virus...and Balance

I live in the Seattle area; the first state to have a Corona Virus test positive. 

The next case; also near Seattle; an outbreak in a Assisted Living Care Center.

People in my area; suburbs are freaking out. Now I did not go out and do this; but my brother in Austin Texas called me worried about the Corona Virus and were we okay...but then he asked how was Costco? I said I have not gone to Costco in about 1 month. Why I ask? He and his partner went to Costco to but toilet paper and bleach. youngest son who is 21; he has his own take on the Corona Virus

It's always on  the election year there is some sort of virus. Everyone gets so upset about and then forgets. Joseph feels it is the medias job to heighten the awareness and scare the shit out of us.

So here I am in balance I hope.. The things I like to do for instance the YMCA and book clubs and Al-anon meetings; I am releasing for now. I really miss going to the Y. My son Daniel goes there every day; but he is young; he's 25.  He is not in the age group that is being affected.

NBA; just got cancelled for the rest of the season. First it would be televised with no fans in attendance. then last night there was one pro ball player diagnosed positive and Bamm... they cancelled the rest of the season.

But; yea I believe this is a very wise choice. Some people may feel as if they need Basketball.

The reality is we can live without it for a season.

We'll see what happens next.

So now; Breathe and be grateful!!!!


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