My Return to India

It has been 12 years since I have been to India. I had a manic episode here in Chenai India.  Twelve years have passed and I have changed so very much. Mostly, I have accepted the fact that I have bipolar disorder.  Knowing the problem is half the cure.  Since then I have been using Lithium, Lamictal, Seraquel and Cannibis.  So today I have returned to my beloved India with open arms once again but also with a wise and open mind.  This trip the focus is on Rich and him being the key note speaker for the engineering conference at a University in India that he has been asked to speak at.  His travel was paid for; so it is just my ticket we had to purchase.  Coming back to India is like a child who is sad, excited, terrified, annoyed, contented, brave, proud or just plain happy.  All of these emotions a young child may run into her mother's arms and that mother is India.  


  1. You appear to be making the most of your time there Barbie. I think I spent more time in the air traveling there than on the ground. Great pics on FB.

    1. Thanks Ed. If you ever want to visit the orphanage let me know and I will connect you with my friend Malliga.


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