my jail time

One of my most embarrassing entries but oh well; here goes it.

I was put into jail twice in my life and I will disclose the most recent one.  Luckily, it was over 5 years ago. I have realized that talking about it jokingly really does relieve some of the shame; but I have only gotten to that point with one group of folks; and these were teenage children that already knew my CLAIM OF GLORY so telling them as Paul Harvey used to say THE REST OF THE STORY.  You all have never heard any of the story so I need to tell all of the story from scratch.

Well first of all this was one of my biggest MANIC EPISODES ever and boy did it hurt a lot of people and I have huge amounts of regret for this particular episodes and will never ever be able to undo my wrong doings with this.  But as a good friend once or several times has reminded would not be the person you are today without the things you did in the past.

I had been in the habit of smoking weed for about 4 years at this point and raising my children quite poorly at this time for I was checked out on pot.  I first tried marijuana when I was the ripe old age of 11...but once my daddy died and I moved to Texas I wanted to start fresh and quit...I actually quit the year of 9th grade; which was one complete year before my big move to Austin.  However, everyone in my family knew my dad's death was forth coming and nothing was going to stop it at this point.  Another entry all together....

So I was 13 going onto 14 and I never owned weed and did not really smoke it at home alone except one eighth of my worst days at school ever.  I was shamed by my teacher...I was stoned and no one knew except a friend; Named Lynn Redmond...she was a thin tiny girl who loved to laugh and was never ashamed of her braces...She had long straight dirty blonde hair and I really liked her a lot.

She was kind towards me and pulled me aside after class in the hall near the lockers Are you alright?  Don't remember much after that...but to be honest I to this day am really glad my Social Studies teacher put me to shame that class taught me that well at least I did not want to go to school it for the weekend...

So back to more current Barbie...yes 2000 something...I am a mother of 5 and married to a fabulous man that I am sure many folks at this point in time really believe that my wonderful husband should have divorce me a long time ago...but he saw in me what I did not see in myself and kept on loving me.

O I had been stoned constantly for about 4 days...smoking bong hits and alternately after that ciggarettes to enhance the high and give it a boost after the bong hits...yes it works... I had watched movies and TV on non stop for 24 hours I was getting messages from the TV and I can't explain it but they were wornings to me to quit the weed..I didn't..

Well my son Josh was currently in the 8th grade, and to make my parenting style even worse at this place and time I was getting high with my son and his friends after school and on the weekends...not a good mom..He was well not out of control...I was...he however was testing the limits at school...since by the way the limits at home were quite loose...with his pot head mother. He wanted more discipline and was going to find a way to get it.

He got day he was eating chips in the hall that he had gotten from a vending machine at school.  No eating in the halls nor in the classroom JOSHUA...he is a rule bender and came into the planet that way and it is a part of who he is and I do love this about him....since this is my particular mold as well.

I received a phone call from the Principal...who was an intern principal and her name was Mrs. Brown and she was an Asian woman...she plainly told me what josh had done and was in detention and would not be coming home from school at the regular time...


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