growing 20's

As of now we have 5 children whom are all living at home.  Hannah is 25, Joshua 23, Daniel 21 and Joy 19.  Joseph ofcourse is 16 and underage to move away.  Hannah is extremely helpful and just fits in and helps her 4 sibilings in many ways.  Joshua just bought a car and is now totally on his own insurance.  Joy moved back home from collage and is finding herself to do much more than go to school, study, and work as a Nanny.She has a lot of employment oppurtunities and some firm commitments of work. Daniel is taking online classes in order to get a good job at Boeing. He paid completely for his class.  We are very thankful his good habits of saving money.

It has been a very memorable weekend.  The horse American Pharoah won the Triple Crown.  This hasn't happened since 1978. Yesterday, most important to my World was wathching my son and his team win 4 straight games at SPU.  Spending time alone in between games on the Locks; watching the ships and boats pass along.  My favorite was the tugboat pulling a ship; this made me think of my Father.  His birthday was June 5th and I saw this fun sight on June 6th.


  1. Sweet post Barbie. My oldest is 23 and living at home. It's nice having her here.


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