September 11th 2011

Today the 10th anniversary of this horrible day that we all recall where we were and what we were doing the day of the attack.  As for myself I was in the yard with my 5 children at the time their ages were: Hannah (10), Joshua (8), Daniel (6), Joy (4), Joseph (2).  We were in the front yard and my phone rang.  No cell phone for our family at that time.  In fact we were strict Christians where as we very rarely watched TV.  In fact we used the set for bible based videos for the children's further understanding of God's words and the great stories that lay within those pages. At that time no one needed cable to have access to news broadcasts.

The home phone rang and it was in the kitchen.  My sweet husband when our 2nd child Joshua became 2 years of age installed a cordless phone.  He was and still is a very loving and protective father.  The cordless phone was for me to always be within arms reach of our children if I were to be on the phone.  So in 2001, the cordless phone was for most all of us Americans was our direct instant connection to our loved ones.  Rich called: and whenever I heard the phone I quickly ran inside the house; answered the phone and ran back outside to be with my little ones.

Rich said,  We are not sure exactly what is going on but The World Trade centers were just hit by planes.  No one knows why or what is going to happen next.  Rich is an engineer at Boeing and said, "All flights have been canceled, because they are not sure what is happening"  I recall him saying the phrase, They are not sure what is happening.  With his loving protective voice, he instructed me to go inside the house and not go anywhere until he got home.  Then he said," and don't watch TV.

Well, if someone tells you to don't think about an elephant....what do you instantly see in your mind; yes an elephant.  So I gathered all my children and we went inside.  We were a homeschooling family at the time and we went to a homeschooling resource center 4 days a week.  We clearly stayed at home and inside the house all day.  I am an extremely curious person and desire to know the truth of matters.  So for a short time after we came inside and I paced around the house.  I told my children in a calm voice what had happened; then turned on the TV to find out what was going to happen next.  Were there any instructions for us from our government that I needed to follow.  After all Rich was a 30 minute drive from home and what if the situation escalated to the point where he would not be able to contact me.  So I turned on the TV.  To find every channel had exactly the same footage and information as the next.  I knew this was a serious and very real experience for our country.  And I began to think who do we know who lives in New mind scanned and finally I thought of Rich's good college friend and once room mate; Todd Wood.  He was a newly married man with 2 very young children.

For most of us on the West Coast; we woke up to our work day in the morning learning of this tragedy.  It felt surreal to us. 


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