What does going Vegan have to do with Mental Illness

What does being a Vegan have to do with Bipolar Disorder? Everything and maybe nothing. I feel strongly that what you eat, drink, how you spend your time, what medications you are taking all influence your illness and well being.  So do all you can do in order to achieve and maintain good health.

Everything is trial, error, success, exploration, understanding, believing, trusting and remembering what works for you. Something that works for someone may enhance your life and happiness as well. Try your own thing, invent your own magic. I saw something on FB today that showed several TV moms from the 70's- 80's. The question was who do you most relate to: The partridge family mom, Brady Bunch mom, or as I chose, Samantha on Bewitched. Cause I make the magic happen in my home.

So experiment, live, let your wild side out as long as you are not hurting anyone including yourself. You may discover that there is more happiness inside you and around you to get you exactly where you want to be in life.


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